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City of Roeland, Kansas

This past July, Jorge Blanco was invited by the City of Roeland, Kansas to help select the site for one of his sculptures at the city’s “R Park”. A private citizens endeavor, the “R Park Sculpture Project” is an example of a community working together for the improvement of recreational areas. A group of volunteers composed of people from the City, the arts and the business communities, have been working for three and a half years, spearheaded by Gretchen Davis and her husband Ardie, who with their unflagging enthusiasm and energy have managed to take a dream and turn it into a reality.

“R Park” will be renovated by adding new landscaping, beautifully designed shelters and other amenities, all this will make “R Park” a wonderful example that grass roots efforts are a successful path to improving our neighborhoods.

The visit was a great success, Jorge gave a talk about his work to a large crowd of citizens during a pie and ice cream social at the community center. Once the funds are in place Jorge will have six months to complete the work, which is expected to be installed in the spring of 2019.

Pictured: Front Row, Left to Right: Judy Hyde (Work Group), Gretchen Davis (Work Group), Jorge, Moffett Ferguson (Arts Committee & Work Group), Mary Schulteis (Arts Committee & Work Group), Lynda Leonard (Arts Committee & Work Group), Becky Fast (City Council Member and Liaison to the Parks Committee) Back Row, Left to Right: Joel Marquardt (Architect, Artist and Former Mayor), Christine Webster (Arts Committee & Work Group), Sharon Hunt (Work Group), David Avery (Arts Committee and Work Group), Ardie Davis (Work Group), Laura Yankoviz (Work Group and Parks Committee), Marek Gliniecki (Chair of Arts Committee), Jose Leon (Director, Roeland Park Public Works)


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